We have picked a star who not only has just released a new movie recently, but one who has been in the spotlight for what feels like a decade! We are rattling on about the stunning Vanessa Hudgens. We’ve seen her as the quiet, insecure girl who was sprinkled in floral and skirts in ‘High School Musical’; then we saw bits of V.Hudgens in the new flick ‘Spring Breakers’ where she was decked out in lets just say… a lot less clothing. It feels like we’ve seen it it all, but what we don’t normally witness, is her daily fashion do’s. As usual, the FF team went on and scoped the outfits that she’s been caught in; and indeed the young talent knows how to work it! We are here to point out the major oomph’s and ahh’s she adds to her wardrobe to make us crave her exquisite fashion sense.
1. Go with the FLOW…
What: It’s that carefree bohemian vibe she gives off, and it just makes the paparrazi want to snap infinite shots of the gal. It’s a easy to put on, and looks divine when the fabric is caressed with the wind. On top of that these type of get-ups are uber comfortable, and even tricks people into thinking you actually put effort into your outfit that day.
When: The best part about these kind of garments, is that it suits pretty much everything. You could head to the mall for a quick lunch, then for cocktails with your gal-pals without getting any judgmental up and down stares.
Where: From the supermarket, to the beach, to a night out with your beau… must we really go on?!

2. LAYERING..even in the summer…
What: It is Malaysia, and sometimes the weather just drives us over the edge. Times like these where you can sometimes say “screw it, looking good could sometimes mean sacrificing”. Most common one we hear about are your poor toes taking the pain, while you galavant in heels all day, or in this case sacrifice your level of comfort when it comes to the weather! As much as we love simple looks, sometimes you can’t help but stack on layers and layers of scarves or jackets just to give the outfit that oomph that it needs!
Where: Putting on layers on any of your simple outfits could be done no matter which venue or event you are hitting.
When: When is it not the right time to rock out with a denim vest or leather jacket?!

3. SIMPLICITY really is the ultimate sophistication…
What: You can still look cute, even when you’re rushing to 7 Eleven, or the gas station. It takes literally two seconds to match a pair of flattering pair of jeans, and a comfortable button up or vintage tank.
Where: It’s casual enough to show up wherever, even certain dinner plans, who’s judging?!
When: It’s appropriate for everyday errand runs to gas stops, to just a quick coffee with your amigas.

4. The TEE-DENIM ensemble…
What: This is one of my favourites, its simple, edgy and could may be a bit too casual for some, but it’s comfortable, not over the top but still has enough going on. The whole shirt tucked into the high-waisted shorts is an old school look that you could never go wrong with! Vintage tee’s speak for themselves, all you have to do is embrace that edge you’ve got.
Where: Since it is very casual, it can be worn to pretty much everything, except for any events that are held at nighter time.
When: Anytime before dark!

With love,
The FF Crew and Natalia
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