Their most valued things, toys are generally by your child’s side at all times. As a result, they are tossed around, slept on, chewed on, and who knows what else. Once the bear has gotten gnarly enough, it’s no longer lovely. Toys can harbor bacteria, allergies, or worse, mold, in addition to evident filth and grime. A variety of cleaning solutions are required for different toys in order to keep them looking and working at their best. There are various baby care products in Malaysia to aid you with this issue but here are some urgent solutions that could help you as well!

Machine-washable and dryable plush toys make it easy to wash them once a week, every two weeks, or as needed. Plush toys that can’t be washed can be sanitized and cleaned when they require it.
When it comes to electronic toys, they should be wiped down with sanitizer on a weekly basis and anytime a child is sick.
If a youngster puts a baby toy into their mouth or drops it on the floor, it needs continuous attention. One to two times a week, clean these. It is possible to conduct some tasks on a weekly basis.
When it comes to toys, the biggest difference between cleaning and disinfecting is that cleaning usually involves washing the toys with water and/or soap in order to get rid of noticeable dirt and grime that can be seen with the naked eye on the toys’ surface.
The procedure of disinfecting toys, on the other hand, is more thorough and tries to remove bacteria, spores, and other microbes that are not visible to the naked eye.
Soap and detergent are used to clean the surface whereas bleach (or in our case merely hot steam) is used to disinfect the surface once it has been cleaned.
Dishwashers can be used to clean little plastic toys that do not have batteries. Some detergent and hot water will clean your toys. Do not let your child play with toys with batteries or fragile parts that can easily be harmed. Remind yourself that rubber should never be placed in the dishwasher since it may not resist the heat.
On the delicate cycle, you can wash fabric toys (stuffed animals, blankets, and cloth books). Toys containing battery packs or noisemakers should not be washed because the mechanisms can be damaged. In addition, if you’re concerned that a toy won’t survive the washing machine cycle, place it in a pillowcase before you wash it.
Bleach can also be used to clean non-porous toys that can be washed. Put your toys in a bucket or sink, add 1/2 cup of bleach and 1 gallon of water, and let them soak in the solution for 5 minutes to eliminate the filth. Refresh the toys with water and let them to dry naturally afterward When it comes to toy trucks and railroads, this is a good option because they have metal parts.
A vinegar-and-water solution is a tried-and-true, eco-friendly way to wash toys, especially those that aren’t dishwasher safe. Using a dishcloth dipped in vinegar and water, you can clean wood toys.