There’s a lot to accomplish as your baby’s due date approaches, and gathering all of your baby’s essentials might be a difficult chore. Use this newborn baby list to figure out what you’ll need for the first three months of your baby’s life, as well as some other “nice-to-haves.” Also, all of the essential things for your newborn can be purchased in baby product store KL.
Clothing and Layette
Although you may want a few lovely items to show off your little one-off, your baby doesn’t need anything costly in those first few weeks, so keep it simple, plain, and budget-friendly.
It’s recommended to avoid buying too many newborn clothes because your baby will grow them quickly. At the very same time, you’ll be changing outfits frequently because newborn apparel may get filthy rapidly.
Although diapers are an apparent newborn necessity, finding the ideal type for your baby can be perplexing and stressful—who knew?! If you’re debating whether to use cloth or disposable diapers, keep in mind that each offers advantages and disadvantages, and doing what works best for your family and environment is always the best option. Many families, however, use both cloth and disposable nappies, so you can experiment with both to see which you prefer.
Ensure you have more than enough diapers on hand because infants could go through 8 to 10 diapers every day. Also, keep in mind that they will outgrow the newborn size in a couple of weeks, so don’t overstock.
Bath items
Doctors recommend giving your infant a sponge bath in the first week or two until the umbilical chord falls off. After that, you don’t have to bathe your kid every day; three times a week should suffice.
Bathing your kid too frequently can cause their skin to become dry or irritated. Don’t worry, there will be plenty of opportunities to perform some “spot cleaning” in-between baths spit-ups, and diaper changes.
First Aid
You don’t need to equip your cupboards with a plethora of infant grooming goods or a full-fledged first-aid kit at first. You’ll need the means to keep those newborn nails trimmed. You’ll also need to be able to take your baby’s temperature and clean snot out of their nose if necessary. At initially, babies can be quite stuffy!
You can wait till your baby is a bit older to buy a baby pain relief drugs because, depending on the medicine and doctor’s recommendations, it is not recommended that infants take an OTC pain management prescription until after 3-6 months of age.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that your newborn sleep in the same room as you during the first 6-12 months of life, regardless of the bed you choose for them (crib, cradle, bassinet, or co-sleeper). Baby beds should also be free of bumpers, blankets, cushions, and stuffed toys.
If you’re breastfeeding, all you need are your breasts and the contact information for a competent qualified practitioner or breastfeeding support group in case you run into problems.
If you wish to breastfeed, talk to your doctor about formula brands and types, as well as how much formula to keep on hand when your baby arrives.