There are times when you glance at your wardobe and question yourself about half the plain basic tee’s you own. Obviously, you predict that you will never ever wear it, as the garment is simply too bland for your own good! What do you do? Throw it in a pile and convince yourself you won’t put it to waste and give it away to charity. As much as we wanted to, lets face it, we never actually get to it. Thankfully us FriendlyFashers have come across one solution we think would brighten up your wardobe (literally!) as well as not put your basic tee’s to waste.
WARNING: This is a DIY post, so chicas be prepared to get your hands dirty and if you’re anything like me, wear a body armour, as I am uber clumsy.

Before you get too cocky and overly excited, causing you to spray bleach the whole shirt, focus on the supplies needed and instructions carefully.
Things you need:
-Plain tee (refrain from using white, as the results won’t be very visible)
-Poster paper
-Empty spray bottle
-Fabric bleach (purchased from supermarkets containing imported goods and even some craft stores)
-Rubber gloves (how are you going to scartch your hair or face midway, when all that bleach is on your hands?!)
1. Be sure to start off with your gloves on and spreading sheets of old newspaper on the area you are conducting this DIY at.
2. Brainstorm what shape/character/animal/pattern you want on your tee. Once you have figured that out, use the poster paper to cut out whatever design you desire as a silhouette.
3. Once you have cut out your silhouette, prepare to spray by placing the shape on the tee. (It’s best if you place newspaper inside the shirt, so the bleach doesn’t seap to the back of the tee)
4. Mix 2 parts bleach, and 1 part water into the spray bottle.
5. Now it’s time to place your stencil on the shirt and start spraying all around the outer parts of the stencil.
6. It will take awhile for the colour to start changing so be patient, and if it isn’t as light as you wanted, go ahead and go crazy with the spray!
7. When your shirt is bleached to your liking, take off the stencil and rinse thouroughly.
8. Boom! It is complete and all you have to do it wait for it to dry, and you can start washing it regularly again.
There you have it, in 8 simple steps!
This idea has been circulating, but we would especially like to thank Savannah from the OH SO PRETTY THE DIARIES blog, for her photos!
With love,
The FF Crew and NataliaRead more posts
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