For the folks that are uber sick of getting their suede flats, bedazzled stilletos, studded J. Campbells, etc. wrecked all because of the monsoon season, don’t look any further for we have a pretty rad DIY idea we’d like to share with thee.

Yes it is possible for your wet market wellies to morph into these bad boys, so go on keep reading!
Things you will need:
-A pair of wellie’s (can be cheap ones you purchased from the market or actual rainboots)
-Gold paint marker, (available at any stationary/art store)

1. Work your way up, and start scribbling the design you desire, whether you decided to go with leopard prints or even polka dots!

2. Once you have completed one side of shoe number 1, wait for it to dry so you avoid smudging whilst drawing on the other side.

3. Repeat with the shoe number 2, and leave to dry for few hours before you take them out for a spin!
4. Voila, now all you need is a bit of swag, umbrella, and you’re good to go.

We would like to credit Glittern Glue for all the rad photos!
With love,
The FF Crew and Natalia
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